Day 20 - bracing for Hurricane Ophelia

Hurricane Ophelia, predicted to be the worst storm to hit Ireland in more than 50 years, will be with us tomorrow Monday. What a great time to have just bought a nearly derelict period property!
Michelle is anxious that the house will fall down. I’m excited to see how it will fare in high winds and how the water will flow in heavy rain. That’s exactly what we needed to be prepared for Dynorod’s visit on Wednesday to clean and inspect our gutters and drainpipes.
It should also be a great help to work out which roof leaks have been fixed and which are still a problem. There are clearly traces of leaks in various places but it’s hard to tell whether the leaks are still present or if they’ve been fixed but the wallpaper wasn’t replaced.
I wonder if those bricks under the gutter with badly damaged mortar will fall down...